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Three (3) Digit Number - Door & Rear Bumper Set

Want to look awesome for the weekend (no blue tape!)? This is the answer. Applies quickly at the beginning of event, remove and store for your next event. This package includes one (1) placard for each door (driver and passenger), as well as one (1) matching rear bumper placard. Normally delivered at the event, Saturday morning immediately before or after the drivers' meeting.

Reusable. The door placards are approximately 11" by 15" (see image) with rounded corners. The rear placard is approximately 5" tall by 7" wide. For the doors, included are 'leading edge strips' to prevent lift off at high speeds (tested up to ~170mph).

How to order: Verify if you have steel doors and rear bumper/trunk lip area*. Use menu options to choose correct material for your vehicle. Choose color for the number/border (background is white). Choose font. Use text box for number needed and which event. Choose delivery at event or shipped (extra cost). For shipped orders, your order MUST be placed eight (8) days before the event. 

*NOTE: To find if you have steel doors and rear bumper/deck lip, use a refrigerator magnet (carefully). If the magnet adheres, you can use magnetic material (lasts longer). If a magnet does not adhere, you have to choose the reusable vinyl option. Most rear bumpers now are plastic. IF you have a steel area large enough on the rear of your vehicle, change the option to magnetic for the rear. 


Material for DOOR Placards

Material for REAR Placard

Vinyl Color

You should choose a color that will be show easily on your vehicle (i.e. white vinyl, black vehicle as our example).

Font Desired

Choose a Font. Impact is shown in the example.

Number Needed

Please tell us the one (1) digit number needed for this event (i.e. 9)

What Event?

Please tell us the event date and location. I.E. July 4th, Brands Hatch Raceway

Deliver/Ship to Event?

NOTE: IF you want this shipped to you so you can have before the event, then put SHIP in the text box below as well as the event location/date, AND CHOOSE YOUR SHIPPING METHOD at checkout. For shipping, orders MUST be in our system AT LEAST a week before the event, and an appropriate shipping method chosen so that your order gets to you in time.

There is a minimum quantity requirement of 1
You have a required option not selected highlighed above.
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